Ordering & Payment

How do I place an order?

We require all businesses to create an account with us in order to purchase any items.

To register/login, please visit the profile icon in the top right of your screen. Remember to choose a unique and secure password. If you need any help with creating or logging into a account please feel free to contact us.

Can I change or cancel my order?

To modify or cancel your order, please contact us within 30 minutes after placing the order. Each order is automatically fulfilled after that 30 minute mark.

I didn't receive any confirmation email

Sometimes confirmations can take up to 15 minutes to send through your email. Please be on the lookout for it in any spam folders.

If you continue to have troubles, contact our email and we will be happy to confirm that your order has been sent.

How do I process a refund?

We take great care in inspecting each item before it's shipped to ensure your satisfaction with your purchase. In the rare case that you receive a defective item, please notify us within 48 hours of receiving it and provide photos of the defect.

However, please be aware that all sales are final and we are unable to accept returns or exchanges for any other reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Shipping & Delivery

What are your shipping options and costs?

At the moment, we only offer one type of shipping: economy. This rate will offer 4-7 day shipping. The minimum cost is $6.

Wrong shipping address?

If you have input the wrong billing or shipping information. Please contact support within 30 minutes after placing the order. Please note, changes may not be for certain. Dainted is not responsible for any incorrect delivery or non-delivery of packages due to incorrect shipping information provided by the customer.

We cannot issue refunds or send free replacements for packages that were delivered to the "wrong" location due to incorrect shipping information provided.

Missing or damaged product?

If your order has been marked as delivered and you have yet to receive it. Packages may be delivered to the wrong address or show up 1-2 days after the estimated delivery date. If your package is lost or stolen, please contact USPS (Tel: 1-800-275-8777) immediately to file a claim.

For damaged orders, contact us within 48 hours of receiving the product(s) and we will be happy to exchange or return the items.